The Fat of the Land

June 17, 2009

Here’s a new book for the traditionalist foodie crowd to gnaw on. From the review:

To browse through The Food of a Younger Land is to be transported into a time when mothers improvised recipes because of shortages of certain ingredients and fathers brought home fresh game from the woods and mussels from the ocean. The book describes the “sugaring off” parties in Vermont, where people hosted neighborhood celebrations as they finished off the annual tapping of sap from trees for maple syrup. It describes the making of persimmon beer among Mississippi African-Americans. In and around Darlington, South Carolina, people would host outdoor gatherings and serve “chicken bog,” a distinctive chicken-and-rice dish. Nebraskans loved buffalo barbecue and Wisconsin folks enjoyed sour-dough pancakes.

All I can say is that I hope there’s a section on squirrel melts.

One Response to “The Fat of the Land”

  1. John Schwenkler said

    Yeah, I’ve looked through it for an essay I’m working on. Nothing on squirrel melts, but squirrel mulligan, Brunswick stew, and a couple of brief discussions of the place of squirrels in Southern cooking turn up in the index.

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